April 18, 2023

About Borneo Sabah?

By admin

Borneo is a large island located in Southeast Asia, shared by three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. Sabah is a state in Malaysia that is situated on the northern part of Borneo. It is known for its rich history, diverse culture, stunning natural landscapes, and unique wildlife.

The history of Sabah can be traced back to ancient times, with evidence of human settlements dating back thousands of years. The area was once part of the Srivijaya and Majapahit empires, two of the great maritime kingdoms in Southeast Asia. It was also visited by Chinese traders during the Ming Dynasty and later became a part of the Sultanate of Brunei.

In the 19th century, Sabah came under British influence and was later leased to the British North Borneo Company, which established a thriving trade in rubber, timber, and other resources. Sabah also saw an influx of immigrants from China, the Philippines, and other parts of Southeast Asia, adding to its diverse cultural heritage.

One of the most notable events in Sabah’s history was the arrival of British explorer Alfred Dent in the late 19th century, who negotiated with the Sultan of Brunei to establish the North Borneo Chartered Company. This marked the beginning of British rule in Sabah, which lasted until the Japanese occupation during World War II.

During World War II, Sabah was occupied by the Japanese forces, and the local people experienced hardships under their rule. However, after the war, Sabah was returned to British control and eventually gained self-governance in 1963, when it became part of the Federation of Malaysia.

Sabah has a rich cultural heritage, with over 30 indigenous ethnic groups, each with their own languages, customs, and traditions. The Kadazan-Dusun, Murut, Bajau, and Rungus are some of the main ethnic groups in Sabah, each with their own unique culture and way of life. The people of Sabah are known for their warm hospitality, and visitors can experience their rich cultural traditions through festivals, dances, music, and arts.

One of the iconic landmarks of Sabah is Mount Kinabalu, which is the highest peak in Southeast Asia, standing at 4,095 meters above sea level. Mount Kinabalu is not only a popular destination for mountaineers and nature lovers, but it also holds cultural significance for the local indigenous communities, who believe it is a sacred place.

Sabah is also known for its rich biodiversity, with pristine rainforests, coral reefs, and abundant wildlife. The state is home to several national parks, including Kinabalu National Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park, known for its beautiful islands and marine life.

One of the fascinating stories of Sabah’s history is the legend of Huminodun, which is a creation myth of the Kadazan-Dusun people. According to the legend, Huminodun was a beautiful maiden who sacrificed herself to save her people from famine. Her body was buried in the ground, and from her remains, rice grew, providing sustenance to the people. Today, Huminodun is considered the spirit of rice and is venerated as a goddess by the Kadazan-Dusun people.

Another interesting historical site in Sabah is the Sandakan Memorial Park, which commemorates the prisoners of war who died during the Sandakan Death Marches in World War II. The Sandakan Death Marches were a series of forced marches by the Japanese, in which Allied prisoners of war were subjected to brutal conditions and many lost their lives. The memorial park serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made during wartime and the importance of peace and


Sabah also has a rich maritime history, with its coastal areas being home to various indigenous seafaring communities, such as the Bajau and Illanun. These communities are known for their skills in boat-building, fishing, and trading, and their traditional boats, known as “perahu,” are still used for fishing and transportation today. The Bajau, in particular, are known as “sea gypsies” for their nomadic lifestyle, living mostly on boats and relying on the sea for their livelihood.

The history of Sabah is also closely tied to its natural resources. The state is known for its rich biodiversity, including its tropical rainforests, which are some of the oldest and most diverse in the world. Sabah is home to various species of flora and fauna, including the iconic Bornean orangutan, pygmy elephants, proboscis monkeys, and hornbills. However, like many other places in the world, Sabah’s natural resources have faced challenges from deforestation, illegal logging, and habitat destruction, which have led to conservation efforts to protect its unique ecosystems and wildlife.

One of the most famous conservation stories in Sabah is the success story of the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary. The Kinabatangan River is one of the longest rivers in Sabah, and it is home to diverse wildlife, including the Bornean orangutan, proboscis monkeys, and many bird species. However, due to deforestation and habitat loss, the wildlife in the area was facing threats. In response, various conservation organizations, local communities, and the government came together to establish the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, which has since become a model for community-based conservation efforts, involving local communities in the management and protection of their natural resources.

Sabah is also known for its unique cultural festivals that showcase the diversity and traditions of its people. One of the most popular festivals is the Kaamatan or Harvest Festival, which is celebrated by the Kadazan-Dusun community. It is a month-long celebration in May, where people come together to express gratitude for the bountiful harvest and partake in cultural performances, traditional games, and rituals. The Kaamatan festival is not only a time of celebration but also an opportunity to showcase and preserve the cultural heritage of the Kadazan-Dusun people.

Another significant cultural festival in Sabah is the Pesta Gong Matunggong, which is celebrated by the Rungus community. The festival showcases the traditional music and dance of the Rungus people, who are known for their expertise in crafting gongs, a musical instrument made from brass or bronze. The Pesta Gong Matunggong is a time of cultural exchange, where visitors can witness the craftsmanship of the Rungus people and immerse themselves in their traditional music and dance performances.

Sabah is also known for its beautiful handicrafts, which are an expression of the creativity and skill of its people. The local communities are known for their expertise in weaving, woodcarving, beadwork, and pottery. One of the famous handicrafts of Sabah is the “Tenun Patinggi Ali” or “Songket,” which is a handwoven fabric with intricate designs made using gold or silver threads. It is often used for traditional attire during festivals and special occasions, and it represents the cultural heritage and craftsmanship of the local communities.

In addition to its cultural heritage and natural beauty, Sabah also offers adventure and outdoor activities for visitors. The state is known for its world-class diving and snorkeling sites, such as Sipadan Island, which is a renowned diving destination with its diverse marine life and vibrant coral reefs. Sabah is also popular for jungle trekking, river cruising,

and wildlife spotting in its national parks and conservation areas, such as Kinabalu National Park, Tabin Wildlife Reserve, and Danum Valley Conservation Area. These activities offer visitors a chance to explore the pristine wilderness of Sabah and experience its unique flora and fauna up close.

One of the most famous attractions in Sabah is Mount Kinabalu, which is the highest peak in Southeast Asia and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Mount Kinabalu is not only a popular destination for trekking enthusiasts but also holds significant cultural and spiritual significance to the local Kadazan-Dusun community. Climbing Mount Kinabalu is a challenging and rewarding experience, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and a sense of accomplishment upon reaching the summit.

Sabah is also known for its beautiful beaches and islands, such as Langkayan Island, Mabul Island, and Layang-Layang Island. These pristine islands are renowned for their crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and vibrant marine life, making them perfect destinations for snorkeling, scuba diving, and beachcombing. Visitors can explore colorful coral reefs, swim with turtles and tropical fish, and relax on secluded beaches, surrounded by the natural beauty of Sabah’s coastal landscapes.

Another unique attraction in Sabah is its cultural villages, which offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and traditions of its indigenous communities. The Mari Mari Cultural Village, for example, is a living museum that showcases the traditional houses, customs, and lifestyles of the different ethnic groups in Sabah, such as the Kadazan-Dusun, Rungus, Murut, and Bajau. Visitors can participate in cultural activities, such as traditional dance, music, and handicraft making, and learn about the customs and way of life of these indigenous communities.

Sabah is also known for its delicious cuisine, which is a melting pot of different ethnic influences. The local cuisine features a wide variety of flavors and dishes, ranging from spicy and flavorful curries to fresh seafood and exotic fruits. Some popular dishes include Hinava, a traditional Kadazan-Dusun dish made from raw fish marinated in lime juice and spices, Ambuyat, a traditional Murut dish made from sago starch, and Ngiu Chap, a beef noodle soup that is a local favorite. Food lovers can explore the vibrant markets and eateries in Sabah to indulge in its unique culinary offerings.

In recent years, Sabah has also become a hub for ecotourism and sustainable tourism initiatives. Many local communities and organizations are actively engaged in conservation efforts, community-based tourism, and sustainable practices to protect the environment and preserve the cultural heritage of the region. This includes initiatives such as responsible wildlife watching, sustainable farming practices, and eco-lodges that promote conservation and support local communities. Sabah’s commitment to sustainable tourism has garnered recognition and awards, making it a leading destination for responsible travel in the region.

In conclusion, Sabah, located in Borneo, is a unique and diverse destination with a rich history, culture, and natural beauty. From its ancient tribal communities to its pristine rainforests, stunning islands, and vibrant cuisine, Sabah offers visitors a rich and immersive experience. Its stories and histories are intertwined with its people, traditions, and natural resources, making it a fascinating destination for travelers who are interested in cultural heritage, wildlife conservation, and sustainable tourism. Whether it’s exploring the lush jungles, diving into its underwater wonders, or immersing in its cultural richness, Sabah has something to offer for every traveler seeking an unforgettable experience.
